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    Function ModEXE(Offset:LongInt;Data:Pointer;Size:Word):Word;

    This modifies the  InEXE  database.   There  is  no  need  for GetEXE
    because the whole idea of InEXE  options  is  that it becomes part of
    the code.  If you are wanting  a  GetEXE  option,  perhaps you should
    consider using a standard database  appended to an EXE file.  This is
    permissible.  The only nuisance  is  that you have to specify the EXE
    file size and this changes at  every  compile and the database has to
    be appended after each compile.

    The data pointed to by  Data  is  written  for  Size  bytes at offset


      Struc = Record
                ColorB :Word;
                TextMd :Boolean;


    If ModEXE(0,Addr(Struc),SizeOf(Struc))=0 Then Write('Changed Me!');

See Also: Function GetEXE
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson